Hi I have currently create a webview app with MIT App Inventor. It's working fine and I am currently stuck on launching my camera which able to store the image into the database.
Also, I have imported an extension by com.sunny.CustomWebView.aix it's working alright but I wish to launch my camera and upload directly instead of selecting files from my gallery
@Kevinkun Can you provide me the extension link to change the image to uri? I cant seem to find. Also if possible can you screenshot me a sample of assembling the blocks? I would appreciate that
I've tested it, the image can read. However, after submitting, i got a "net:ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" . Any suggestions on this @Kevinkun@Taifun ? Thank you very much
I have created a webview which allow user to take a picture with the camera app and upload their file into the database. The application is able to get the image. However after submitting, i got a "net:ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND" . Here's a screenshot of my blocks and output.
What is the value of the content uri you are trying to upload?
I'm not sure, if setting the FileAccess property like this is correct... @vknow360 ?
Hey @vknow360, I am sorry I don't understand on implementing this. Could you maybe screenshot a sample for demonstration? Also, I wish to upload a content of image @Taifun