How do I get the content from an asset loaded with the extension?

See below for discussion moved from the RUSH topic

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If I build an extension that generates an html file for display in a webviewer, can I add files to the assets e.g. css stylesheet, that will be picked up by the generated html? I could always pull in the content of the css stylesheet and include it as a variable.


@TIMAI2 May I suggest you a thing?

You can do like create a webiew and add in a view and do webview.loadData("your stuff","text/html", "UTF-8"); and put stylesheet in <style> element and at last, javascript stuff in <script> in your html string


You can do that, it will store it in a subfolder in assets named after your extension. Try to use only lowercase characters for the file. You can then later access the file by <package_name>/<asset_file>.something and read the input stream by context.getAssets().open(<target>).


@Know_About_IT and @Kumaraswamy, thanks for your input.

In a normal browser setting, the html would call the stylesheet like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
	<link rel="stylesheet" href="mystylesheet.css" />

where the stylesheet is in the same directory as the html file.

Now there is either some magic where I can replace the


with something like:


which will work?

The alternate is to just call in the the stylesheet and set it to a variable

"href=\"" + ssVar + "\""

but how to call in the stylesheet from the assets ?

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Maybe you can try loading the CSS file from some local Url.


This should probably work (not sure fully).

Else another way of doing this would be to read the CSS file from assets to a string form and just to append like a CSS way.

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You can also load the webview with the base URL pointing to the asset directory and that would work too.

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and that path would be ?

This one probaly:


The stylesheet file is in the assets directory of the extension....

I believe the best way will be to load the file contents and save to a variable, which I can then add to the html. The html file gets created and stored to a temp file, so would need a relative path to the stylesheet file which will not necessarily be the same on all devices.

How, therefore, to load the file contents of a file in the extensions assets directory ?

Hmm, maybe we should move these posts to a new topic.

Anyway, this is how I do:

InputStream assetStream = context.getAssets().open("xyz.kumaraswamy.dynamicloader/encoder.jar");
        try {
            byte[] bytes = new byte[assetStream.available()];

After you get the bytes, you decode it as a string by final String text = new String(bytes).

I don't think so, this is specific to RUSH, accessing assets within the extension.

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hi @TIMAI2 you can add the JS script and the CSS script inside the HTML file as I have shown in the example code and then you could do one thing, you can use this URL data:text/html+your HTMLcode`

<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


    <meta charset="UTF-8">

    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">

    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">




    <p>this is an exampel</p>



 /* your css code here */



    // your javascript code here



try opening this in a browser :point_down:

data:text/html,<html> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Document</title> </head> <body> <p>this is an exampel</p> </body> <style> /* your css code here */ </style> <script> // your javascript code here </script> </html>

Thanks, will give this a go and report back.

I already have a method for getting either a local file or an alternative from the internet. The issue was about retrieving content from a file in the extension's assets. Thank you for your input, it may help others...


hello timai2, can u provide me files u want? U dont really need to add in assets, if u can provide files I can explain

for stylesheet, u dont need any stuff, simply add css in <style> tag in html and load html in webview

any way how can load assets data in web view?

It is a css framework 235 lines long, I wanted to avoid placing it between style tags....

save/copy css/js file in ASD, and save html also there