Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions

In the language option my arrow keys are only working to move from line to line, and my enter key is only making a new line.

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Does the same thing happens when you use PowerShell or Command Prompt?

Also, remove the spaces from your base directory's path, otherwise you'll have issues down the road.


I haven't tried it in Command Prompt or PowerShell, I will try...

Yeah Sure, I will.

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thanks for notice me, new version of rush is really fast and awesome.

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Hello dear @shreyash, thanks a lot for your great work.

Can you implement gradle dependency system on rush without adding jar/aar file?


If it possible, then rush will be more interesting. And we can make more extension with rush.

Thanks again for your hard work. We are really respect you :heart:


14 posts were merged into an existing topic: How do I get the content from an asset loaded with the extension?

Yeah, something like this would be really good :+1:
but till now rush made great change in extension development... :wink:


Hi @shreyash , I wanted to try Rush in Windows CMD Shell and it worked perfectly for me.
Just a problem choosing between Java and Kotlin, the arrow key doesn't work.

To better know your great work, I have made a tutorial in Spanish.

Tutorial en Español de Rush para Windows:



Yes @Juan_Antonio...
I too saw the same issue in CMD Shell And Git Bash

But the issue also comes in the dirs which don't have a space in them @shreyash

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The Java and Kotlin selection works for me with Git Bash.


Great, but it didn't work well for me :sweat_smile:

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Great tutorial, thanks! I've added a link to it in Rush's GitHub

Others have reported this issue earlier, but I haven't got much time to work on Rush recently. I will see if I can put together a small bugfix release later next week. For the time being, consider using other terminal emulators like Git Bash.


C:\Users\Aquib\test>rush build
     _______  _______/ /_
    / ___/ / / / ___/ __ \
   / /  / /_/ (__  / / / /
  /_/   \__,_/____/_/ /_/

• Build initialized

┌ Checking project files
│ info Checking metadata file (rush.yml)
│ info Checking AndroidManifest.xml file
└ done
┌ Compiling sources
│ info Picked 1 source file
└ failed

• Build failed [54ms] []

It always shows me build failed.
The directory doesn't contain any spaces.
And I have not modified anything.
@shreyash Help please.

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It happens when Rush fails to invoke javac. Please refer to the following post:


Thank you sooo much !

:sparkles: Rush v1.2.4

What's new :eyes:

  • Upgraded Kotlin compiler and standard library to version 1.5.32.

  • Upgraded Android platform SDK to version 31 (Android 12).

  • Added the ability to define the data required by the create command using CLI args. For example,

    rush create awesome-extension --lang Kotlin --org com.example
  • Added the ability to set custom data directory using the RUSH_DATA_DIR environment variable.

    RUSH_DATA_DIR="D:/rush/data-dir" rush build

Improvements :triangular_ruler:

  • You can now use W and S keys along with arrow keys to select the language when creating a new extension. This is especially helpful in terminals where Rush fails to read the arrow keys don't work.

  • Added source JARs for App Inventor components, annotations, and Kotlin standard library. This means you will now be able to view source code and Javadocs of the above libraries in your IDE.

Bug fixes :beetle:

  • Fixed the issue where extensions containing no blocks would cause compilation errors when exporting the app.

  • Fixed the issue that caused the unmappable character for encoding error in some cases when building the extension. [ref1, ref2].

To upgrade to Rush version 1.2.4 simply run rush upgrade. If you don't have Rush already installed check out the installation instruction mentioned in the first post.



Thank you Shreyas for the great Update

BTW @shreyash a silly advice
Is it possible to add aar files as deps
Or you could implement it in Rush

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Great update :partying_face:
Especially thanks for updating this, as its reported in many posts :grin:

:sparkles: Rush v1.2.5 HOTFIX

Bug fixes :beetle:

  • Fixed the bug that caused the builds to fail after upgrading Rush to version 1.2.4.

To upgrade to Rush version 1.2.5 simply run rush upgrade. If you don’t have Rush already installed check out the installation instruction mentioned in the first post.


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