How do I get started with contribution?

Hi, My name is Ujjwal Mishra, a first year undergrad student from India. I would like to contribute to MIT App Inventor. I have previously contributed to ” The Terasology Foundation ” and I am well aware of Java, Javascript and node.js . I would love to contribute to MIT app inventor but can someone please tell me how to get started?


Welcome @Ujjwal_Mishra,

The best way to get started would be to set up your development environment and build the App Inventor sources as documented here. You'll need a copy of OpenJDK 8, which you can get here.

Once you have built and run App Inventor locally, take a look at the issues marked help wanted on GitHub. These are usually good starter projects to get you situated in the code base. Feel free to ask any questions in the open source category on this forum.



Ok, thanks. I will definitely check this out :slightly_smiling_face:

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@Ujjwal_Mishra welcome to opensource development with App Inventor.

thanks @preetvadaliya

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