A Newbie looking a ignition in opensource world!

Hey my name is Het , I am currently doing my B.Sc in Software Development , Ahmedabad Gujarat(India) , I am really interested in opensource contribution and your App sounded good. can you please help me with how can I start contributing to your repo ??.

my skills :

First of all I am not much experienced in anything (I am still in my first year) but

  1. a bit of java and
  2. a bit of javascript

can you please guide me on what I need to learn to contribute to this repo
Thank you !!

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Welcome to the community. Please read the following reply


Hey there,
This is Preet Vadaliya and I am also form Ahmedabad, Gujarat if you have any queries regarding opensource development then please feel free to ask in community.

For best practices following this steps..

  1. Run App Inventor source locally
  2. Try to solve issues from GitHub tagged with 'help-wanted'
  3. If you got stuck then ask in community.

BTW best of luck for opensource journy with App Inventor.


If you want to contribute in App Inventor you need to learn bit about..
3. Git and GitHub concepts

  1. Google Web Toolkit(for Front-end part)
  2. Google Blockly(for block editor)
  3. Android SDK (for component)
  4. Scheme (Kawa) (for built in block)

I want to add one more thing you not need to be perfect in those technologies but you can learn any one of them perfectly and then start solving issue form GitHub.


Thank you so much @preetvadaliya for showing me a way . Really looking forward to learn these technologies and start contributing .