How do I fix the error from companion? [Firebase !]

For a custom firebase host you must first set your authentication server before using authentication features!
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.

again this error is coming when i downloaded the aia file and connected with companion

see i am getting this error

What version of Companion App are you running, and is this for AppInventor or IOS ?

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it is for mit app inventor

version is 2.60

Do you have any interesting setting on your computer / network firewall, or any extensions on your browser, e.g. adblockers?

I believe that you haven't set firebase token , when I do not put it in firebase properties I get this error

The Firebase Token in The AppInventor designer is for the Firebase API key

Yes I ment FirebaseToken should have Firebase Api Key

again getting the same error

Show your Firebase properties in the designer, also check that your firebase rules are true and true.

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You didn't answer this yet....

no nothing i have

Try this simple project, does this work OK ? (uses MIT Firebase)

testFB1.aia (2.4 KB)

no in mobile its coming permission denied and in my lap its coming the same error

When in companion mode, drag out this block


right click on it and select Do It.

This should fix the permission error

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Or try your own aia project with MIT firebase, tick Use Default in the designer.

I tried both of these today but these two errors are still coming and these 2 errors are occurring at the same time.