How do I download a button sound? (as notification tone)

11 but the problem is also the permissions, I don't have them in the application, and the notification blocks are also wrong

ok I'll wait a few days, sorry for the inconvenience I'm also a bit of a novice at this. So the only thing I need is to know how to set file permissions etc. and fix and put well the blocks to configure as notification tone

As I said, it doesn't work on Android 11 for me too. And no storage permissions should be required on Android 11+.

I now updated the extension to get the correct mime type for sound files. Also I updated the example project to get and set a ringtone, you can download it from the download folder. I also updated the documentation, see also the notes there App Inventor Extensions: Settings | Pura Vida Apps

Note: you will have to build the app before being able to get or set the ringtone, because the companion app does not offer the permission android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS. Before testing make sure the target directory to copy the soundfiles to is empty. The target directory must be in shared storage. For more information see also the overview. The example project uses /Download/Sounds.


Blocks to set a ringtone

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well, I've tried this example with these blocks:

when I press the button to set the sound as notification, the application tells me that: error permission has been denied, etc.

do i have to download something else? What is wrong?

The first thing to do is to test the example project... just download it from the download folder...

Also if you post screenshots please change the language to English, so everyone is able to understand them...

Most probably you forgot to set the default file scope in the screen properties to Legacy

And while testing always remember

Note: you will have to build the app before being able to get or set the ringtone, because the companion app does not offer the permission android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS . Before testing make sure the target directory to copy the soundfiles to is empty. The target directory must be in shared storage. For more information see also the overview. The example project uses /Download/Sounds .


the project example is the app? i was tested the app. and my app i put legacy and doesnt work either

can you give me the project (.aia) and i copy this on my app and i going to try

i dont know what do more

  1. download the example project ringtone.apk from the download folder to your device
  2. delete the directory /Download/Sounds from your device
  3. start the app and set a ringtone
  4. let us know if it works
    4a) in case it does not work, let us know exactly what happens
    4b) in case it works check the ringtone.aia file and adjust it to your needs


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okay i install the app and this worked good, the audio saves on my phone and later i would can set as rigntone. but later u told me that download the aia and copy on mu Project but where us the folder? i dont know so aprecciete if you tell me where

omg i was writting this yesterday and i dont send :frowning:

congratulations... you were successfully able to run the test project

I'm not sure if I understand, what exactly you are talking about...
you have a running example project ringtone.aia... open it, examine the project to see how it works... see which Default FileScope it has been set... and adjust the project to your needs


i dont have none projecte aia

i only have the apk exemple i want the aia exemple to copy all same and my app works

see again this thread where to find the aia file... protip: it is in the download folder...


lol in what downloader folder rlly??

okay wait a moment

i dont know where is the aia


this is the same download folder you used to download the extension and the ringtone.apk file
remember, after you bought the extension I sent you a link to my Google Drive, this is the folder you are looking for...
yes, downloading something from a folder can be challenging sometimes...

protip: why don't you just download all those files from the download folder, so you have them next time?


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i missed the acces of this drive folder send me link or the ringtone.aia if you can. its for that that i dont know you was talking