How can I make a history for a webview

Where is this located

There is only one Canvas1.SaveAs block in my aia.

Look here...

Is there a way to make a way so the list won't copy down like or /search and please show me a screenshot of how you do it

One thing you could do is ask the user if they want to save a loaded page to history, they could then give it a friendly name (or use the page title), and this could then be displayed in the listview instead of the url. This would avoid the duplicates I believe you refer to.

Here you are, try this:

wvTestV2.aia (4.0 KB)

Another version with the history being saved to tinydb

wvTestV3.aia (4.3 KB)

Thanks but I still have one issue is how do I change the size of the logo because it is big

Adjust the canvas dimensions (Designer) for the image you see at the top left of the screen, and adjust the image dimensions in the Listview (Designer)

Wait how did you get your image clear but mine is a little blurry

Also thank you because now I figured the size out

Mine are blurry too. They are favicons, as i have previously said these are probably only 16x16 pixels in size, which look OK as favicons.

Thanks for that but now I am wondering how I can use a textbox to search the listviewer's history

Here is one way, to do it directly on the listview...make sure to read the entire topic, to see how to do things with the TextChanged block (instead of the Clock).

Also, be aware that indexing changes when you filter a listview.

Did I do something wrong here

It is starting to get messy now :wink: Well done for trying though.

Here is an aia with a custom filter bar included:

wvTestV4.aia (6.6 KB)

How do I make sure that this list won't glitch when I typed because I also wanted it to be like for every website.

Also the reason why it glitched on me was because I was trying to use a clock than a Button

When you have stopped adding features, it would be best to carry out a complete re-write to sort out the (currently working) mess, for better and more succinct blocks code.

I have reworked things a bit, much better...

wvTestV5.aia (6.2 KB)

Thank you but can we separate the searches with a heading say each day of the week

Like it would say Friday March 7th 2025 or Sunday June 9th 2025 depending on the real time

You will need to store that formatted time in your history data. You could then display this in your listview ( in the Main Text)

It is not possible to easily (if at ll) display the listview with sub sections. @ABG did something like this here, but it is not for the faint-hearted, and I am not about to attempt it.

You could completely switch things around and build a complex listview using CompCreator

So you can't help use the CompCreator to create this listview

So can't you use the CompCreator to create this listview?

You will need to do some learning/studying of the topic I linked. Time for you to step up.

You could generate multiple listviews based upon date ranges, but it would get messy very quickly.

Ima get started on it now