How can I make a clean calendar, a do-list that allows me to choose a date, day of the week and time?

With a date as tag, you can save many events in the value, AS A LIST.

Save the time, event in the list item.

If I remove the option I have for days of the week in the already built one and keep only the one, select date, how can the corresponding day of the week be displayed together with the date?

I know every word, but don't understand what you mean.
Maybe some drawing / design To explain yourself?

I will try once more to convey what I wanted and want.
A calendar - to-do list with the possibility of saving e.g. appointment with date, time and day of the week.
Along the way, after I had done the original one I uploaded here, I got confused. And I will try to find a way if I can do such a thing

As mentioed many times, use date like 20240214 as tag, and you can save list under this tag. And the list is a list of dictionary, in the dictionary you can store time, weekday, event name and any data you want.

From what I understand, in the way you write, I have to write down the time in the date I choose every time, I mean that by choosing a date, there should be the possibility of day and time options together and to write down only the events

The Pareto Principle applies here.

The first 20% of the work gets you 80% of the results.

If you store each day's activities together as a multi line text value, that puts the formatting burden on the user.

You can add the day of the week when you build the activity text, using a Clock block fed by the Instant from the Date Picker.

Elaborating on the multi line daily schedule text idea, you can break up the day's schedule into event text fragments using a text Split At \n block, edit a list item, then recombine the events list using the JOIN With Separator \n block.

Is it possible after selecting the date and day to display a common result. Place these 2 elements in such a way that after safe and load they display in a common frame what has been placed as a plan?
Thanks for the answer, but for me to understand I need virtual example, I don't know programming terminologies.

Hmerologio.aia (6.4 KB)

but why do you need two different date selectors? If you want to see the day of the week you can get it directly from the date with the clock block WeekdayName.

Because, what happens if I choose 15/02 and Friday, which common result do you expect?

I'm looking into this because the day display with the date helps me navigate through the time better and because the way I have it in AIA it's not that clear, it's kind of confusing so I was wondering if the 2 options could display in public field their day/date attributes

It's important to distinguish between internal and external representations of data, especially datetime values.

The Clock component has conversion blocks.

Use the internal format milliseconds from 1970 for storage and sorting and filtering by time.

Pass the sorted and filtered data through Clock blocks to reassemble it for display.

Learn to use dictionaries to keep the various parts of an event (datetime, description) separate in storage and processing.

Reading the comment I believe this will help, but I need to find some lessons to learn.
Is there such a course, a tutorial I can follow to learn how?

I want to make a calendar that allows selection and displays them with a click on the date selection with the corresponding day in the selected month and the option to select the time.
And to only be able to write the appointment in the field, while I selected the date - the corresponding day and the time selection, in the display of the list all the necessary elements, such as day, time and date with what I have written to do in those specific aforementioned and selected items.
Select day, time and date with one click which will bring up the possibility table of those options, then take me to the field where I will write what I want to do to the already selected time items, save them and be able to find when I'm looking for them, but also with the possibility of changing the already registered appointments as well as deleting them.
Is there any course or tutorial for this?

I started with these and now I don't know how to continue

Maybe this can help you:

Calendario.aia (10.6 KB)

Wow, looks great at first glance, just what I was looking for.
I'll take a closer look to see.
Thank you very much

I'm very sorry for the confusion I caused.
I think I finally found what I was looking for.

Ramon, I looked it up again, I couldn't think of a better one. It works flawlessly. I will study it and if there is any question, I will post it here to understand the function as best as I can.

Ok. It was a project to "play" with dictionaries and clock...for sure, it can be improved in a lot of ways.

It can be improved by someone who knows how to proceed.
I first understand its current function and then I see

I took a quick peek into Calendario.
We need good calendar samples.

Things to watch out for:

  • places where TinyDB returns 'not found' but following blocks assume it will be a list. Use Create Empty List or add if/then protection downstream
  • adding and subtracting days to yyyyMMdd formatted dates. Interesting things will happen near end of month.

Yes, this was one thing I saw when I did in the past this project...that is a point to improve.

Other thing I didn't like was that tasks and times were handled separately... a better way would be to manage them paired.

Anyway I hope it helps to the PO as a starting point.