[ Help ] How do I to access data folder on Android 11?

Help me a little how I can access the android/data/ folder.If anyone knows about this please let me know.Then there will be many benefits.

Please Help me

You will need a file manager app that can access the hidden app folders. A couple of options from the play store include Explorer and Total Commander

As we can see you already access it on your device (Android 11?).
To access the ASD for a specific app this is only possible via this app.


You can find something more at here too :

Also this answer from stackoverflow maybe useful in your case,

There's another solution with Android >= 10 and it is the permission "MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" which let you choose an application which can access the external storage. But the user must do all the actions so it isn't a really good solution :confused:

If your problem is about files you are taking with user interaction that are in the external storage, you can enable the access to the file uri by using a fileProvider (from example when you take a photo).

Source :

starting with the SDK30 release you are only able to access your own data in the ASD - application specific directory, you will not able to access the /Android/data folder for other apps anymore...

btw the MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE suggestion from @oseamiya is not really a solution, because usually apps, which use that permission are rejected by Google, see here, there are a few exceptions...


Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by icon24 Taifun.

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Install XFolder in the play store, it can give you the permission to access data folder.