Have an idea for an Extension?

APRS uses a native format called AX-25 which is a compressed format sent on mic-e settings. India, as compared to the western world, still does not have the desired quantum of digipeters, so perforce, use of i-gates is the only way out to get range. Looking at a way to have an android app to use the inbuilt GPS to get the Geo Coords and send them as a modulated signal over radio or AX-25 over GPRS.

Looking at BASICS : CREATE RECORD, DELETE RECORD, UPDATE RECORD, READ RECORD, presently being done by Google App Scripts and then calling functions in MIT App inventor. If the same can be done by BLOCKS.

What about an extension that could make the device produce a sound wave with input to control the frequency?

Im thinking to be applied in tuning for instruments

I believe this is already done by @Juan_Antonio :




It would be convenient if there was an extension for "Convert Android SDK to Extension"

Hi Patrick, recently I developed an estension to work wiht Mifare Classic Tag and you can read the Unique ID ( the Mifare UID is only read so You cannot modify). Check If can useful for your application


You could create an extension that updates when the Creator of the application clicks save then the new update reaches those who have the application (the user will be able to choose how much the update will reach eg in 2 days and 23 minutes and 5 seconds, of course the application should get the latest update)
If you want to make this extension please tell me :sunglasses::thinking::hugs::wink:.

What about an extension to lock or put the phone to sleep, as if the user pressed the phone power button to lock / sleep?

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Android will not allow you to do this forever.
It is possible though but you need admin privileges.


please make an update extention

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Some components in this repo are specifically dedicated to upload files in Dropbox & G Drive.

Have you tried this

Yes, and it is complicated

But, a fact : these are deprecated, they are not updated since 2013

Dear @Android_Creator,

It is so easy to use the Update My App - Extension.

Please follow the the instructions in the post.

Finally you can recognize its easyness.

I have seen and tried to do what the instructions say

Halo .
Not an extension, but how the application is linked to Google Maps via api and map display and at the same time sending all the locations of the application users to the fire database and then sending the locations to the map. I did not do this work because of other work conditions, and certainly it must bear a lot of costs Locations

make an extention in which you give a name and it will give you the package name of the app in your phone

Browse the extension directory:


You will achieve it, for example, with this extension:



Hey Can anyone Give to make extensions