Have an idea for an Extension?

I am seeking an password extension having 4 numbers criated by user. It is possible? Tks

No extension needed for that

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Thanks but i want to keep the password into the app for run it next time.

"This is in spanish, if you cant read it please use google traslate, sorry for it :c"

Estaba haciendo una aplicación personalizable por el usuario donde se podría escoger: tamaño de letra, color de fondo, color de botones, etc. Mi mayor traba (problema) es que los elementos gráficos que trabajan con listas no son muy configurables, a ** ListPicker** o Selector de lista no puedo alterar el menu desplegable y en ** Spinner** o Selector no puedo cambiar el tamaño de letra…

Si pudieras hacer un elemento gráfico o agregar mas opciones de personalización me harías mucho, es un proyecto libre y personal.

there are already some listpicker or listview extensions available, see the extensions directory here App Inventor Extensions | Pura Vida Apps


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2 posts were split to a new topic: Some feedback about App Inventor, Kodular, extensions, etc

What about font size to all blocks
At once, sometimes the app is messed up
In phones that have big font selected

This would help TinyDB users who forgot their NameSpace values and have no way to reconstruct them:

A Namespaces block that takes a directory listing of the app’s shared_prefs directory,
and returns a list of the XML file names, without the .XML suffixes.

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I’m dreaming of a list of widgets!
Example :
In my app, I have a table arrangement of 26 row and 4 columns
In the first colum is a label named lbl1
In the second column is a button named B1
In the third column is a button named bm1
In the forth column is a button named bp1
At the next line of the arrangements, names have a “2” at the end (lbl2, B2, bm2 and bp2)
If I could make a list of all the labels, an other llist of all buttons B1, B2, B3…)
an other llist of all buttuns bm1, bm2, bm3…) etc.
then I could make a procedure with a integer input that changes text of a specific button or label.

Set globalLabelList = "lbl1, lbl2, lbl3, lbl4, ..."

Procedure changeLblText (3, varfoo)
set globalLabelList[3}.text = varfoo

instead of havig 26 different procédures!
same for buttons… ?
Hope I’m clear !

You never heard of generic blocks and lists of components?

You can do this with the existing blocks.

I'll look into it

From what I just read in a couple of different articles, in order to access shared_prefs the device would need to be rooted.

Thanks a lot Ken and ABG, (I was on this way)

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Thanks for looking. That probably explains why I couldn’t find shared_prefs poking around the mount points returned by the various shell extensions using the ls command.

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Following Juan's guide and using his extension, just needs to be an installed app

admob extension but for app inventor only

Not going to happen :wink:

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firebase analytics extension would be great or firebase cloud massanging they may help build better apps

What about having a vertical scroll arrangment with get and set scroll position ?
I have a tableArrangement of more than 50 rows of 3 buttons each within a verticalScrollArrangment and every time I click on a button, the scroll is reset to the top. I would like to remind the position and go back to the position where that button was clicked.
In other words I would like that clicking a button had no effect of the scroll position.
(Sorry for my english).
Thanks for reading until here!

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