Actually, my final goal is to update bulk products in any ecommerce websites as a .csv file. So, I am making gradual approach/progress towards that.
But, while making .csv file, the image url should be customized in a specific way for each ecommerce website, I guess. So, users may have to do it manually after downloading all image files.
So, when person A forwards the ecommerce data to a Person B, he simply opens the file and the app will process everything and show all details to him including images. App also will provide 'Download all images' option. So, Person B will make custom url for those images and enter the image-urls into the app to get the final output as .csv file that can be used to do bulk product update on ecommerce websites.
I guess, it is possible to create one more text file (ListView/Label Text) that has only base64 data that are separated by :.
So, we have two files (or listview elements/Label Text) in the app.
If the base64 of file 1 = base64 of file 2, then convert base64 of file 2 into image and include it in the file 1 by replacing the same base64 data. Do it for complete list.
NOTE: File 1 contains all ecommmerce data including base64 but File 2 has only Base64 Data.
Is it more easy if I try producing pdf file instead of making base64 & trying to convert it back into image later?
If so, Person B has to download all images from pdf for producing custom urls. Later when he/she enters those urls into the app they can download .csv file.
If you followed it, and tried out the aia project, you will have seen (as indicated in the notes) that any files created are in the ASD, and that is where it ends, nothing to do with "uploading files", "splitting paragraphs" etc.