I can't find such file in phone. But, when I enabled Sharing block, I am able to share the file to whatsapp but with no text data.
This is the app
ecom_edit5.aia (152.2 KB)
I can't find such file in phone. But, when I enabled Sharing block, I am able to share the file to whatsapp but with no text data.
This is the app
ecom_edit5.aia (152.2 KB)
When I tried your extension MFILE (I used 2nd version), I am able to share file with text contents successfully. That is enough for my project. But, anyhow I can't find 1.txt file in download folder of internal storage.
Thankyou very much.
I think, there is some fault happening in these blocks but anyhow I don't need this for my project. But, If you have any knowledge to share about this, please say to me here. Thankyou.
Okay, the next part of the project is to 1) upload/receive the file. 2) Detect the base64 texts in the file and convert them back to images. 3) After conversion Download all images.
Working in companion but Not working when I installed apk file (When I click share button). Can you guide me?
ecom_edit_6.aia (143.3 KB)
When I click Share button, nothing is happening in apk.
Waiting for your help, in the mean time let me work on other part of the project. As soon as I got help and guidence from you regarding apk issue, i will work on it. Thankyou very much.
Hi, may I know why this app is working well in companion and not working as .apk file?
Is there any extension for getting only selected paragraphs between any two symbols like '' '' from a text file? The purpose is to extract all base64 data from text file and use it to produce image back.
My MFile extension needs/uses a full path (not a relative path):
Please read the decription of my extension.
For that what I have to do? Can you guide me? Do I have to copy paste this lengthy file within that text box? I shall try.
fileName = file:///storage/emulated/0/Download/1.txt
Did you remove the file (/Download/1.txt
) beforehand?
On Android 11+ you cannot overwrite a file that was created by another app (once again).
Il try at morning. Thankyou very much.
So, finally we almost managed to convert listview elements into a text file, is there a way to reverse this process, ie, converting back the text file into listview elements?
Can we do the following after getting 1.txt output?
Use filepicker to upload back the same file.
Read the file and split the text into paragraphs (ie, base64 data) that start after some symbol like ''.
Send each paragraph into a textbox and put/forward it into a listview.
Convert each paragraph/base64 data back to image.
If possible display the listview elements including image files.
What does this question and the points mentioned have to do with your original topic?
If two person have my app, one person will send the txt file with ecommerce details to other person. But, mit ai2 never allow to send image files in bulk (if only TinyDB is used). So, the other person has to open the txt file (that he recieves via email/whatsapp) and convert back the base64 data into images. So, now he can see all the ecommerce data including images in a single file.
I have to refine the clarity of the idea about this project even more.
Actually, my final goal is to update bulk products in any ecommerce websites as a .csv file. So, I am making gradual approach/progress towards that.
But, while making .csv file, the image url should be customized in a specific way for each ecommerce website, I guess. So, users may have to do it manually after downloading all image files.
So, when person A forwards the ecommerce data to a Person B, he simply opens the file and the app will process everything and show all details to him including images. App also will provide 'Download all images' option. So, Person B will make custom url for those images and enter the image-urls into the app to get the final output as .csv file that can be used to do bulk product update on ecommerce websites.