Ok thanks... Se if I can find annother phone...
Brand new phone Samsung XCover4s Android version 10...Same same...Is there anything else I can do or is it just to throw all work in the trashcan...
Ok I'm realy freeking out here.. Tested the the imagepicker and than it worked, The picture open nicely on the screen....
If I copy the path and try to open the exact same file it fails...
try to remove the /storage/emulatd/0 and use only the relative path starting from root, i.e. the path starts with /Android/...
Trying to push the limits! Snippets, Tutorials and Extensions from Pura Vida Apps by Taifun.
Ok started up my old Samsung S8 with Android 9. and it worked. Did this test just to be sure.
What exactly do you mean by "nothing happens"?
What should happen? Doesn't the picture appear?
Post a test aia.
Hi !
Then I have tested my code with an old phone a Samsung S8 with Android 9 and it works. God to know...
Yes, I've also a S8 test device, but what is with your Android 10 device? Is the picture displayed?
No they are not...
Companion & APK?
Post the aia (or a test aia).
If you get kicked out from companion, then it is due to space in your file path..
On Android 10, make sure to have file:// before path
Yes, but see here:
But the problem is that with the first path (without a space) "nothing happens".
Therefore I asked for the aia.
For me also the path without file://
Good to know. Which device?
Ok I do a aia... Need to clean a bit first...