This extensions let you mix or combine 2 wave audiofiles in different ways:
Now you can create karaoke-like-apps, mix tracks together or combine them, create long wavefiles from short loops (e.g. drumtracks) as a backline.
** min API21 required **
- added "Trim" method to let you cut a wavefile
**Important:**The files must be of same format, 16Bit/44100/stereo or 16Bit/44100/mono wave format. You will notice a slight "click or “swoop” at the seams of the combined files. Maybe one day I will manage to smooth that.
(Maybe someone like to assist me here)
com.django.waveaudiotools.aix (18.4 KB)
Updated 04.12.2020
- added "ReverseWav" method to let you reverse a wavefile
**Important:**Works at the moment only on 16Bit/44100/stereo wav files **
Hi, I am so happy this plugin which you have developed. I am currently working on sound application and need something to mix audio files. Most of my files are mp3 or 3gp (sound recorder file). I wanted to try mixing feature with 5 input sound (sound 1 is main sound and other sounds are effects which can be played in between). Can you please help me how to use the mixing feature? I tried using this on 2 wave files for now? But it seems that the feature isn't working at all with MixWav funcitonality. I tried using the function for mp3. It seems to generate audio for mp3 as well. But I felt I wanted mix, whereas the output is something different. Please help.
Thx a lot!
1.This extension only works with wav files.
2. the min API for full functionality is 21!
See first post.
Thanks for your prompt reply. I have created a project with simple mixing of 2 audio (16 bit/44100/stereo) with offset of 1000 ms. But, it seems the mixing is not working. Can you please take a look into the project and help me with the usage? I have tried few combinations, but I might be doing something wrong. Please help.TestWaveAudioTool.aia (1.4 MB)
THX for yout feedback! I think with your help I found a little bug here.
Updated extension
Update: bug found in mix method! Updated extension here:
com.django.waveaudiotools.aix (18.4 KB)
1 Like
Thanks for sharing this. The plugin works very nicely. I can see the offset also working properly. Really glad to see this. Although there is some ambient sound (noise) coming in the mix though, but this functionality is great for my idea of mixing sounds. I can pitch this idea to my team. 
Hi, this extension looks great, I was wondering if you know how I can work with other audio filetypes, like mp3 or m4a? Is there some kind of converter available? Thank you