What about using ORDER BY
What about using ORDER BY
Yes, this works for me. Thank you. Now I have to learn to be able to use it in the TableViewer extention.
Dear @Kevinkun
Thanks for this great extension. I've just started to learn this extension.
As it does not support method Filter (to limit the list of records or to remove the filter showing all) I intend to filter records myself and then show table again - so:
regards and thanks again for this great extension
may be you can remove the desire row from the global list and recreate the table view..
this is my intention - but from UX perspective it would be good to return to a "reasonable" location - my problem is I can't find method to get CurrentRow of TableViewer
regards, Jakub
what do you mean by this? there is a ScrollTo methed, maybe you want to try.
Thanks for reply.
Here is my scenario:
Can you be certain that the "current cell" will be included in the filtered results ?
it depend on the operation. But knowing the row number I can check it in recordset and scroll appropriately. This is standard UX approach on grid refresh
Dear @Kevinkun,
I've successfully replaced ListView by your TableViewer. It added much needed functionality:
But what I strugle with is providing visual feedback on row clicking- ListView sets color of the tapped row just before the event is fired (I feel small delay there so it is easily noticed before I open "details" screen for the chosen row). When I get back I can highlight same row (selected).
With TableView I know how to set colors but I can't match UX as I see no easy way to provide this "feedback" with appropriate delay (plus I do sth wrong on next redraw).
I was thinking maybe it would be good candidate for next version to provide:
Let me say again : great component even without those further improvements
Best regards,
Can you make it (OS). I like to Add All Properties Values in to Source Code.
I am not Aware with Kotlin. Try to give me Java Source Only.
After the TableView extension stopped working under nb191, I'm trying to work with the TableViewer extension.
I have a problem with this:
In the extension TableView there is the block "TableView1.Click" with the options CellText and RowText.
How can I recreate these two options with the TableViewer extension.
In the extension TableViewer there are the options row, col and value, not CellText and RowText.
What did you try ?
value returns the cell content (CellText)
row returns row number, col returns col number - use these with list blocks to get list values from the underlying list.
Thanks @TIMAI2 for your reply.
I understand the meaning of each option.
I want the TableViewer.Click method to output the contents of a row, not a single cell.
1 2 3 4
a b c d
5 6 7 8
e f g h
If the user clicks on the 2nd row, I would like to get the result: a, b, c, d shown, regardless of whether he clicks on cell a or b or c or d.
The RowText option has realized this in the TableView extension.
As I said, use the row number to return the row contents from the underlying list
Thanks @TIMAI2 for your quick reply.
Unfortunately I don't understand your answer or I can't implement it.
I once created an aia file to clarify it.
For example, when I click the last row, I want to read the result "e, f, g ,h" into the TestRowText text box.
Unfortunately, I can only read out the content of the individual cell with the option value.
Can you please give me a hint how the blocks should look like to show the result "e, f, g ,h"?
Thank you and greetings Frank
TableViewer_Test.aia (19.1 KB)
you have a list and item index, then how to get the item?
Clicking on the last row....anywhere
Thank you @Kevinkun and @TimAI2 for the tips.
I had a misconception. Tried to find the solution within the TableViewer.Click method. It didn't immediately occur to me to simply use the data or the database.
Have now changed the first app from the extension TableView to the extension TableViewer.
Now everything works without an error message.
Thanks again and greetings