[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

Sorry, I forget to mention the value of the property should be same as in CSS:

the html picture is only to show the structure of the html behind the table, then you will know how to write the style/css to change table/tr/td etc.


Works fine, thanks

Worked up a solution for this:



Do you know of a better approach ?


[Feature Request]
With your table click function, it would be good to return the entire row text for all columns as well.

I only know this method.

for entire row data, you may use the "select list item" to pick data from original data list.

and i am considering to add a block to combine nearby cells, which will make this entire row data very complicated.

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Another example which "answers" this question:


so much easier :smiley:


I'm trying to show a csv with many columns, how can I set horizontal scroll ?

Just drag left/right, should be scrollable vert/horiz automatically

[Feature request]
Sticky header row

found this:

but requires a th row.

Tried with tr:nth-child(1) but nothing happened

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Some blocks for table styling (there are 8columns, 5 to scroll to....



Thank you Tim, solved with

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With these blocks I can set the selected cell background color, how can I restore the previous color after selecting another cell? I can save row and col but the color ?

would the original colour be known, e.g. the one you set when drawing the table ?

v2 is coming, pls check first post.

now is possible. it looks like th is not necessary, but thead is.
I have add a sample at 1st post.

now it's possible to remove the style you already setup last time, just to set the value to "" (empty string) using SetStyle block, then ShowTable.


i can't show my table in the table viewer


now "Index: 7, Size: 7
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds."

show your blocks pls,and the data to display, and are you using v2?

Opera Captura de pantalla_2022-10-11_022250_ai2.appinventor.mit.edu

and this text

and yes, i'm using v2