[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

and how can I make all the rows that have 'yes' in the 'summary' column bold?

is this the same question with post 61?

si pero porque no me exprese tan bien

change 5 in picture to your number



Hi kevin,Ok for bold setting rows with YES, how can I reset them for bold setting rows with NO ?

see here:

which selector should I use ? I tried with table without success

Update to V4
This no longer uses the .ShowTable block
Activate you setstyle blocks with a button event or table click event

Also with V4 I can not reset Bold rows, see block post 73

What is this for ?


to reset previous bold rows

I solved with

Maybe it is possible to do better

At risk of repeating @Kevinkun 's answer to your enquiry:


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Now I see what you are trying to do. @Kevinkun added a ClearTable block for just this very thing...


Ok, it runs, can you help me to understand why I need to check the Item lenght in my aia ?

TableViewer_SiNo.aia (18.9 KB)
edit: found some CR in csv file

all the rows are same length and >= 4?
if Yes, then no need to check

Found mistake, there was some CR, TIM eliminate please the 4 last posts

How can I filter and search for data that is in the tableviewer?