and how can I make all the rows that have 'yes' in the 'summary' column bold?
is this the same question with post 61?
si pero porque no me exprese tan bien
Hi kevin,Ok for bold setting rows with YES, how can I reset them for bold setting rows with NO ?
see here:
Update to V4
This no longer uses the .ShowTable block
Activate you setstyle blocks with a button event or table click event
Also with V4 I can not reset Bold rows, see block post 73
What is this for ?
to reset previous bold rows
Ok, it runs, can you help me to understand why I need to check the Item lenght in my aia ?
TableViewer_SiNo.aia (18.9 KB)
edit: found some CR in csv file
all the rows are same length and >= 4?
if Yes, then no need to check
Found mistake, there was some CR, TIM eliminate please the 4 last posts
How can I filter and search for data that is in the tableviewer?