[FREE] TableViewer - fully style customized to show table data

v2 is coming, pls check first post.

now is possible. it looks like th is not necessary, but thead is.
I have add a sample at 1st post.

now it's possible to remove the style you already setup last time, just to set the value to "" (empty string) using SetStyle block, then ShowTable.


i can't show my table in the table viewer


now "Index: 7, Size: 7
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds."

show your blocks pls,and the data to display, and are you using v2?

Opera Captura de pantalla_2022-10-11_022250_ai2.appinventor.mit.edu

and this text

and yes, i'm using v2

a picture of data can not help me a lot to debug.
please copy the data to a txt file and upload.
Have you tested other data?

yep, i try with another table but nothing, and idk how save my data in txt, but my data is...

1,juan,123456,Juan,García,juanitogarcia@gmail.com,5555555", in my new try

Tested this data, it's working at my side.

Proyecto_N2.aia (146,7 KB)
please, look at my project, I can't find where the error can originate from

OK I think I know where is the problem.
it's your data. not all row have the same length.
you need to change your data with same length of every row.
for example,


These blocks run well with version 1, but with version 2 the table does not appear.

You need to use the ShowTable method block !

runtime error

Check your data, your csv rows are not all the same length, or something similar

or you do not set the table to have a header row?

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[Feature request]

Clear table, so that new data/styling can be applied without restarting the app

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done, update the extension pls.

With v3 no runtime error but I can not set cell color, please check my aia vith version1 then update version
TableViewer.aia (17.7 KB)

it looks like you did not read the update notice, and did not follow the suggestions from other users.
You can find your questions all answered there.

You are right, it runs now, thank you.