Pressing button 5 brings up the directory of the file
But when I search for it with the file manager, I get to point /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ .
If I continue and press on it gives me the following message
I installed Total Commander (File Manager).
And still it DOESN'T LET ME enter directory /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ .
If I continue and press on
Please see the pictures. What can I do?
Are you trying to copy something manually into that directory? To read that directory Total Commander needs only read permission, but not write permission...
A recent android security update may be blocking new access attempts to folders.. I can access ASD folders I previously accessed, but cannot, like you, add a new one at the moment...
You may, therefore, wish to copy your file in the ASD to shared storage. Search the community for how you do that, there are many topics.....
Reading the pdf file and sharing does not work (it does not attach the file), i.e. as if it does NOT exist!
Please see the image and the file.
Where is the mistake? borrar_createPdf_A10.aia (16.5 KB)
I have replaced the corresponding blocks as I see them from the pdf extension, but it did NOT work. Does not create pdf, does not share. Yours is working fine. Where is the mistake?