[Free] CompCreator - create component dynamically

The link is here, in the first post:



14 posts were split to a new topic: Got this error "java.lang.RuntimeException: no such class" when import extension

Children will only get children of dynamically created components?

good question.
I will make an update tomorrow.

v8.4 Children and Parent method can used for non-dynamic components.

known issue:
Children list of Screen in companion is not corrent, but no problem when in apk.

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Hi Kevin,

I discovered another issue with your extension.
If I dynamically create TextBoxes with 'Width' set to 'fill parent', it does not do that.

I made a test project to demonstrate this.
The top part is created with your extension and the bottom part is made by hand.


As you can see, the bottom part textboxes nicely fill the gap and the top part does not.
As soon as I enter enough text in the dynamically created textboxes, they will stay at their max width though.

Here is the test aia file so that you can debug easily:
CompCreator_Test.aia (33.7 KB)

I hope that you can find a fix for this issue.

Many thanks in advance!

Working OK here:


and copying your ha:


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Thanks for your swift reply Kevin.

Did you try my aia file both in the companion and on a device?
Because that is not working.

I am not Kevin :slight_smile:

I tested with companion on Android 10

Does it fail for you when using companion and when you have compiled to apk and installed ?

Tested compiled on Android 10 and 13, works as expected

Sorry for the name mix-up Tim.
Yes, fails on both companion and on device.
This is taken from my phone, android 9:

Also tried on my tablet, android 11, same issue.

I also modified app to change textboxes' width afterwards:
CompCreator_Test (1).aia (34.2 KB)

Problem solved :grinning:

I was first creating another vertical arrangement and didn't set it's width.
After setting it's width I got what I wanted.

Thanks for your help Tim!

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There is an "error" in your blocks. You create another vertical arrangement (without a fill parent width) in which to place your horizontal arrangement rows. This reduces the width of the textboxes. Just using the VA > VerticalArrangementDynList ensures the textboxes fill the parent.

Ah, I see you just found it too :slight_smile:

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:+1: :grin:

Your work on this extension is great! really.
a curiosity... but you can't add the function.. When a dynamic component loses focus, does it create an action?

Like if I scroll through a verticalscrollarrangment and a dynamic component comes off the screen, does it create an action?

like what? Button. Clicked ?

What about save the action in a Procedure,and call this procedure when needed ?

what am i missing?

show ALL your relevant blocks

it works OK here

how can we set specific component property???

I showed this in my example above

I am trying to create a tracking app for plants watering using CompCreator extension in order to be able to add, edit or delete plant profiles. As you can see from the following blocks, I am creating a new Component based on template, that will contain an image, 2 text boxes, a date picker and a delete button.

The deletion of created component is done like:

My question is, what can I do so the number of created containers with the afferent inserted data to be saved in TinyDB when I close the app so it can be there for when I open it again?