[Free] CompCreator - create component dynamically

this works with any android version?. the compcreator?

I have used it on Android 7 to 13 without a problem. If you have earlier/later devices, I suggest you test the extension on those devices and report back.

It would be much better if you did this in advance of asking a question so you could then ask:

I tried this extension on Android "X" and it didn't work for me, here are my blocks:

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how can create a class of imagesprite to generate a number of clones imagesprites. its a little complex understand the extension. sorry for my poor experience understand this comp creator.

my objective its not add a lot of imagesprites in design window.

I suggest you read the entire topic from the beginning, to gain an understanding of how it works, and try some of the examples.

Hi.... I read the article like five times and I am still really confused... Is it possible to somehow check that button created dynamically was clicked and then for example get the name of the button? Thanks in advance

Show your relevant blocks.

When a component is created dynamically, you need to capture the component name/value in a variable/list, then you can access it later.

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Oh thanks.... I will try this

By far I've done this:

now I basically need to get the index (in the list) of a button if the user clicked on it... the problem is I have no idea how to do this...
If you could help me, I'd be grateful
Thanks in advance

Change item to btn


This will capture the button component.

Any way to reverse the order of components displayed, or to insert a component in a particular place ?


set property as 'index', value as 1.

It looks like nobody read this instruction. Maybe I should seperate this function into 3 one.

Brilliant, either hadn't spotted it before, or forgot all about it. Works perfectly.

So I want to use this component to make a forum. How can I make it display the number of times I clicked on this item?

what item? how did you create the item? show the relavant blocks.

Something like this should work with compCreator

One would need to dynamically create the name values...but you may need to prepare these in advance of generating the components...