Can you try this?
To detect whether the touch event is UP or DOWN, use this.
com.gordonlu.touch.aix (6.9 KB)
Can you try this?
To detect whether the touch event is UP or DOWN, use this.
com.gordonlu.touch.aix (6.9 KB)
Let me check
It runs well now on android 11
Thank you for your extension!
But it doesn't work when the component contains another one inside.
clickz not work.aia (10.4 KB)
Thanks for reporting ! I will check it out and let you know asap.
A post was merged into an existing topic: RE: MIT app inventor just stopped working on all projects when any extension added
why is it merged??
I tried this extention alone and it works well.
but when i try to use it in my project, (just slidind it in designer) without usinfg any bloks I have a compile error:
Looks like something called Mp3Tags is causing the problem, did you remove this, then add the clickz extension without refreshing your project, stuff can get leftover.
New paid version V12 released !
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Dear friend, I have 38 labels that I need to click on. Just to confirm that I understand correctly, I must add the extension 38 times and register the 38 times with different names, for each component. Right?
No, just one instance of the extension, but register each component, and handle each components click event. See the example in the first post of the topic.
I think you're wrong, friend, because in the first example he uses "clicked and longclicked". I will just use "clicked", doing it this way presents an error due to repeating the command.
Well, why not try it and see if it works
but that's exactly what I did, he accuses that the command is repeated. The only way that worked was by adding an extension for each click.
Yes, but in the example he uses one in "Cliked" and the other in "LongClicked". This way it is possible, but I will just use "Clicked" and in this case the error will occur if the same command is repeated. I will use the "when ClickZ1.Clicked" command 38 times
For both components!
Because you cannot have two of the same event
clickz.aia (10.0 KB)
and for when you have a lot of clickable components: