- ID feature added to download multiple files at a time with respective download track using ID.
- New function added - Change file extension
- Extension rebuilt using FAST CLI
- Extension size reduced to almost half
- Minor bugs fixed and code improved
Important note: While importing lastest aix in your project take a backup of your project as this version will broke old blocks and you have to replace them with latest blocks for download functions and events due to ID introduction.
Version 7 without ID also available for those who don't want to upgrade to version 8
Latest Aix and documentation updated in first post.
I appreciate your ongoing contributions. However, the block image for the CopyFileFromAssets method is missing.
Baixei o seu .aia e gerei um .apk com sua programação.
Resultado: OK
Mudei a programação com o meu link do drive.
Resultado: OK
Mudei a programação com o nome para: sample teste.mp3
Resultado: [nothing]
Até que enfim descobri amigo.
O componente .MimeType não está aceitando nome com espaços.
Se puder corrigir o problema.
Sua extensão tá cada vez melhor. Essa implementação do ID melhorou muito!!!!
Can you PM your file link in google drive. I will check.
There was an issue with the function code which was returning blank results in some cases. It has been fixed now and it will now work even when there is no file extension or incorrect file extension. Update the aix from first post.
Yes, it was related to the file path.
Hence I updated the function code to handle it within the code. Now it determines and return results based on path. Accepts both content URI and full path.
Thanks for disponibility!
...and an absolute path (?)
Yes it will work. I was referring full path to absolute full path.
eg. /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ - Piano Sonata.mp3
Ok, but it should also work with a full path:
Okay...I will update. Thanks,
V7 link in first post no have updated:
There are both versions 7 and latest 8.
8 without id?
You can use version 8. I left version 7 for download functions without ID feature.
Yes, but the wrong code in MimeType remains in v7. That's what I'm talking about.
The code isn't wrong in version 7, as Anke showed its uses file URI as input.
Ok! I'll download the other extension to do that then. Thanks.