Sorry, but now?

The path is a .mp3
Sorry, but now?
Can you show the file path after download success?
Yes, i play it. Only i need identify mime type.
This is because if the link doesn't have an mp3(in case of the google drive restriction), asdownloader downloads an empty file.
I will try .GetASD, Thanks!
Sorry, but the assets not in ASD.
I just showed an example of file from companion assets.
you need to specify the correct file path to get the file mime type. Can you show file path after download success in a label?
Path is correct, this should work. Can you try in Apk.
This path in not an AI2 path. Where did you build the app?
But I tried in this post. There is no problem with the path. Please give it a try.
I tryed in Mit and Kodular. Not work for me.
The ASD doesn"t work with Kodular. This is one of the countless bugs there.
Please ask questions always where you create your apps.
I am not sure whats wrong with your code, but I tested in both platform and its working.
what's stopping you from inserting nameFolder.mkdirs() into the code so that the user never even thinks about it the folder is created when it was not there. and if there is nothing, it ignores
Hmm, then it seems this bug is now fixed in Kodular.
Can you send an example .aia file, how did you do it?