January 9, 2024, 9:40am
Hello everyone, I am new to mit, i need help in storing, showing and deleting
database(through mit) in mit appinventor firebase. all help would be appreciated.
Thanks! lohyd9
January 9, 2024, 9:41am
Grateful for any VALID assistance thanks!
Hi @lohyd9 ,
Did You search in the forum?
Is there any documentation anywhere on how to use Firebase with App Inventor? I have read just about everything that I can get my hands on, I have a good beginner's grasp of how to read and store data but I am looking for more. I am having some issues and it's because I do not understand how to manipulate my database.
I don't want someone to show me blocks to fix my problem, I want to figure it out myself. The best way to learn is from my mistakes.
for example, or You can try my extension:
last days I developed a new extension that I want to share with the community.
With FirebaseManager Extension You can:
create a new user with email and password
login with email and password
send an email verification for the new user
send an email to reset the password
get the user data
put data on firebase
patch data on firebase
delete data on firebase
get data on firebase
post files on the storage
delete files inthe storage
apiKey your apiKey from Firebase
email us…
Best Regards
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