A non-visible extension that detects the progress loading of the WebViewer.
A sister extension of the ImageUtil extension, which provides additional tools to Images.
Release date: 2022-03-08T00:20:00Z
Package name: com.gordonlu.webviewprogress.aix
Event Blocks
This event is fired when the progress of the WebViewer has changed.
Note: currently, there still isn't a method to detect which WebViewer's progress has changed. Hence, better use one WebViewProgress extension for each WebViewer.
Parameters: progress = number (int)
Method blocks
Listens to all web viewer loading changes and fires the ProgressChanged event when it changes.
Parameters: webViewer = component
Sample Program
This program uses a Canvas as a progress bar, with the WebViewProgress detecting the progress changes. The height of the canvas is 7 pixels, and the LineWidth is also 7 pixels, so drawing the line at 7/2 pixels will fill the whole canvas height. The progress parameter returns a value between 0 and 100, so if the progress is 40, it means that 40% of the webpage is loaded. Since 40% = 40/100, we apply it to here. Then, we multiply the percentage with the width of the canvas, so that it fills 40% of the canvas.
If you speak English:
AIX: com.gordonlu.webviewprogress.aix (7.0 KB)
TXT: WebViewProgress.txt (2.2 KB)
Pour les utilisateurs français:
AIX: com.gordonlu.webviewprogressfr.aix (7.3 KB)
WebViewProgressFr.txt (2.2 KB)
Unfortunately, because of AI2 translations, I have to remove all diacritics (e.g. Γ‘) from the French translation.
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Made with Niotron IDE.
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Gordon Lu