[F/OS] MarkdownTools - Tools to operate with Markdown!

There was already an extension before, published on the Kodular Community for a similar extension. But this time I created my own extension where used a better library, plus you can download this without going through the hassle of logging in in their Community..Also I didn't know there was such an extension out there...

So today I present to you, MarkdownTools!

Description: Converts HTML to Markdown and vice versa (more features to be soon added)



ConvertHTMLToMarkdownConverts HTML to Markdown and returns it as string.
html | text
ConvertMarkdownToHTMLConverts Markdown to HTML and returns it as string.
markdown | text
CreateHeadingCreates markdown heading from text.
headingLevel | number
text | text
CreateBoldTextCreates markdown bold text from plain text.
text | text
CreateItalicTextCreates markdown italic text from plain text.
text | text
CreateBlockquoteCreates markdown blockquote from text.
text | text
CreateOrderedListCreates markdown ordered list from text.
listItems | list
htmlLineBreak | boolean
CreateUnorderedListCreates markdown unordered list from text.
listItems | list
htmlLineBreak | boolean
CreateCodeBlockCreates markdown code block from text.
text | text
CreateHorizontalRuleCreates markdown horizontal rule.
CreateHyperlinkCreates markdown hyperlink from URL and alt text. Alt text is optional.
linkUrl | text
linkAltText | text
CreateImageCreates markdown image from image link and image alt text.
imgUrl | text
imgAltText | text
CreateStrikethroughCreates markdown strikethrough from text.
text | text

Example Output Result:


Libraries Used to make this extension:

First library needed this dependency: https://jsoup.org/

Download Link:

Second Download Link: com.puterblade.markdowntools.aix (626.8 KB)

Source Code:

[You are not allowed to redistribute it]
[I as the author of the extension give you permission to use it in Appathon projects (all years)]

Built using: Rush • A new and improved way of building extensions, thanks @shreyash.

Documentation generated with @vknow360's DocsGenerator app. I got it to know because @Kumaraswamy told me about it...

Thank you, please suggest me features and give me constructive feedback so I can improve this extension. Click the :heart: button below if you like this extension!

I will add much more features when I get the time to do it...




call  Markdowntools1 .CreateHeading headingLevel text
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateOrderedList listItems htmlLineBreak
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateHorizontalRule
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateHyperlink linkUrl linkAltText
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateBoldText text

call  Markdowntools1 .CreateItalicText text
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateImage imgUrl imgAltText
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateCodeBlock text
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateBlockquote text
call  Markdowntools1 .CreateStrikethrough text

Download link is in post #1.

I have made this extension open source!

1 Like

great i will test it