[F/OS] 🛠️ ComponentUtil - Additional Tools For Visible Components (90+ blocks)

:chocolate_bar: Version 6!

New blocks:



True if this component has changed since the last time being drawn.

Returns: boolean

Parameters: component = component



Returns true if the view is currently hovered. This only works on real Android devices that have a mouse and a cursor.

Returns: boolean

Parameters: component = component



Start a horizontal overshoot animation. If 'tension' is set to 0 you will not see a overshoot animation. Then you will see just a simple deceleration animation. The duration is set in milliseconds. Use as example for 1 second '1000'.

Parameters: component = component, startPosition = number (float), endPosition = number (float), duration = number (int), tension = number (float)



Start a vertical overshoot animation. If 'tension' is set to 0 you will not see a overshoot animation. Then you will see just a simple deceleration animation. The duration is set in milliseconds. Use as example for 1 second '1000'.

Parameters: component = component, startPosition = number (float), endPosition = number (float), duration = number (int), tension = number (float)



Start a zoom animation. Set 'tension' 0 if you will not see a overshoot animation. Then you will see just a simple deceleration animation. The duration is set in milliseconds. Use as example for 1 second '1000'.

Parameters: component = component, startPosition = number (float), endPosition = number (float), duration = number (int)-

Taken some reference from OvershootInterpolator  |  Android Developers

Hover features require all of these requirements. If even one of them is not fulfilled, this will not work.

  • the device must have a mouse and a cursor that can be used to click, hover or scroll.

  • the device must be a real device, e.g. Android computers. Emulators are not accepted.

  • the device must not be an only touch-screen device, such as smartphones.

Given the fact that only 2% of Android devices fulfill these requirements, please consider whether you should use it.


Sorry for the delay. I haven't been very active in the community (and I didn't update the extension) these days because I have competitions to attend. Here is version 6.

com.gordonlu.componentutil.aix (31.1 KB)


Please add Full Clickable function.

Why? Aren't "Click" and "LongClick" enough?

No i want Full Clickable.

I mean why do you need it.

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I created card view, inside have multiple slider and button and text.
I need to disable all chaild component and work only parent card view click function.

My English is not clear.:pensive::pensive:

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Working on it, quite busy these days.


if long click, when executed click and longclick together


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A post was merged into an existing topic: Help please about my facemesh program

Can this be used for appathon?

It looks cool

Yes, you are allowed to use this extension for the MIT App Inventor Appathon for 2023.

Thanks @Gordon_Lu

thanks a whole bunch for this extension, it's exactly what I need for what I'm tryna do :+1:

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Can i make this kind of view by this extension?

Please stick to this topic.

As for your question, I doubt it. This Kodular guide (How to Make TextBox with Raised Hint - #9 by hammerhai - Resources - Kodular Community) is probably what you're looking for, but you will need rounded corners.

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not work Ripple Effect!

Can you post an example please?