An open source non-visible extension that detects clicks and long clicks for visible components that does not have the Click or LongClick events.
Release date: 2022-03-22T08:00:00Z
Package name: com.gordonlu.clicktool.aix
Version: 3
Event blocks
This event is fired when a registered component is focused.
Parameters: component = component
This event is fired when a registered component has losen focus.
Parameters: component = component
This event is fired when a registered component is clicked.
Parameters: component = component
This event is fired when a registered component is long clicked.
Parameters: component = component
Method blocks
Performs a click for the given component.
Parameters: component = component
Performs a long click for the given component.
Parameters: component = component
Registers the component so that when the user clicks the component, it will fire the OnClick event.
Parameters: component = component
Registers the component so that when the user focuses or removes focus for the component, it will fire the respective event.
Parameters: component = component
Registers the component so that when the user clicks the component, it will fire the OnLongClick event.
Parameters: component = component
Unregisters the component so that when it is clicked, the extension will not fire the OnClick event.
Parameters: component = component
Unregisters the component so that when the user has focused or removed focus this component, it will not fire the respective event.
Parameters: component = component
Unregisters the component so that when it is clicked, the extension will not fire the OnLongClick event.
Parameters: component = component
com.gordonlu.clicktool.aix (9.7 KB)
Open Source
Here you go, have fun.
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I made this extension because of learning, not really because of app developing. Just for fun.
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- Bad extension.
Made with Niotron IDE.
Kindly PM me if you have any questions! Also, if you like my extension, please
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Gordon Lu