[F/OS] 🧠 Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI!

Thanks! :slight_smile: I have another question. I have this

but i do not get any response after putting any prompt in the text (whether i change the role to user, system or assistante :frowning: )

There may be an error. For this, you need the Error event to keep track of the error, and display it on the screen.

Yeah, i added it and it seems to be an error... but idk where tho. i dont get it :sob:

Please show the error message.

i added this, and appears "error" each time. idk how to know which is the specific error tho :c


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still appears error tho

Show your new blocks and the error output. It can't be just "error", as the error message should describe the error in detail.

You still didn't follow this ...

Use the error parameter.

it says "you exceeded your current quota, please check your plan and billing details." what that means???

from the OpenAI API documentation:

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Check your OpenAI Dashboard.

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Developper cest dejà apprendre comment utiliser

Please. Update for us with the new gpt chat functions: voice recognition, and message audio! If you hear about this paid update, let me know! Thanks

Seems that the voice recognition API only works for Python.

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An extension that would help me a lot or a way to use text-to-speech cloud in Niotron, to be able to change the voice of your AI's response. extension.

Thanks for answering


Hello Gordon_Lu, i dont know witch Block, i can use for model ?

Iike this ? Davinci as Text block ?

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The model codes are listed here.

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