[F/OS] 🧠 Artificial Intelligence and OpenAI!

Are you using an alt account? When you register two accounts with the same phone number, you will find this error message.

Please screenshot how much balance you have left in your account. This can be checked in the OpenAI Dashboard.

Exactly; you have no balance in your account, therefore you cannot use it. Previously, OpenAI gave all its users $18 of credit for free at signup. Are you using an alt account with the same phone number?

But it does say that in order to use the OpenAI API, you need to set up a paid account. Maybe the billing plans changed.

I created another account with my personal ID. I have balance in that account.

but it got expired on 01 April.

Is there any other way through which I can use this API Key or any other platform I need to create a Chatbot for a project?

Exactly. As I said, you cannot register two accounts. Their policy is that they only allow you to create one account with one phone number.

Since this has expired, you must renew your subscription in your original account which just expired. This will require you to pay for it.

We'll move this thread to the main topic to discuss there.

So for a new account, they give 18$ right? Is there any expiry date for this amount if not used?

For a new account that has a unique phone number, yes. You will have 12 months to spend this $18 credit, and you will have to pay again if you spent all of this or if 12 months are up.

Thanks for the help.

I just created a new account with a new number and it gets only $5, this amount will get expire on 1 August. We get Four months to use this amount.

The App is now working!!

Hmm...interesting. Let me check the details again.

er what does that mean :point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down:

Expire 1st may?


Not 12 month as you said ...

But I wanted to thank you for this fabulous extension too

I haven't been updated for a long time because of business and now hospital. That was written in around January or February.

Since when did you sign up? I'll check the new pricing plans.

I pray that you are well sir Excuse​:pray::pray:

Last month

It take a time to generate picture, and i dont know if it work

Hmm...ok, so we get different credits here. Let me see...

How to download old version?

You should see a History section below the Downloads. This only contains V2.