Error when trying to compile app for new version of android required by google

Hello Everyone, when having to recompile my app for Android 12, otherwise I would lose my developer account, I come across the following error mentioned below. Note that in past recompilations everything went well. I didn't change anything in the app or make any changes
Thank you in advance for your help.

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
[ReadBuildInfo] Starting Task
[ReadBuildInfo] Task succeeded in 0.006 seconds
[LoadComponentInfo] Starting Task
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating assets...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component assets needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating activities...
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activities needed, n = 1
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify activityMetadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component activity metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component content providers needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Libraries needed, n = 4
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify metadata
[LoadComponentInfo] Component metadata needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating Android minimum SDK...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify androidMinSdk
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating native libraries...
[LoadComponentInfo] Native Libraries needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating permissions...
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify permissionConstraints
[LoadComponentInfo] usesLocation = False
[LoadComponentInfo] Permissions needed, n = 15
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify queries
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Component "com.puravidaapps.TaifunTools" does not specify services
[LoadComponentInfo] Component services needed, n = 0
[LoadComponentInfo] INFO: Generating component broadcast receivers...
[LoadComponentInfo] Task succeeded in 0.005 seconds
[PrepareAppIcon] Starting Task
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Creating mipmap dirs...
[PrepareAppIcon] INFO: Generating icons...
[PrepareAppIcon] Task errored

Reduce the size of your icon


any size suggestions?


and will it work? my width and height is on average 122x105

There only is one app icon
It should be a square format
What about trying a 512 x512 app icon?


In this case, does this "generating icons" mentioned in your observation refer to the app icon? or the images of the endowments? Ex. Options... Games... etc

app icon

Thanks for the tip, after changing the icon from 300x300 to 512x512 the build option generated the apk without problems, I hope that with the SDK 33 version Google Development will accept it as the Android 12 version :slight_smile: Thank you very much in advance

This is the size of the app icon for the Play Store:

For the launcher icon:

But see also here:

However, I couldn't see any differences when I uploaded a launcher icon with the size 192x192px or 512x512px to the assets. EDIT: And I would like to add that I can neither see differences nor determine differences/deviations analytically. So it doesn't seem to matter from which image size (192px or 512px) the corresponding launcher icons are generated.

the 512x512 what format should .png have?

What do you mean by "format"?

As I have already explained often enough, for Android I would generally choose a launcher icon and a PNG image with a size of 192x192px.

(For my iOS apps I used 1024x1024px PNG icons.)

Why? Because I want my app (APK/AAB) as small as possible. If I use a 512x512 or 1024x1024px launcher icon, this remains in the assets and is significantly larger than a 192x192px image.

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