Yes. I don’t use real screens at all, too many problems with them. Because of this I have a lot of arragements, but it probably causes a problem.
You need to qualify this each time: 1000+ arrangements(some nested)
No one wants to see 1000 of anything.
Give your user a way to navigate through subsets of the 1000 items.
Here's a sample app that uses Divide and Conquer for lookup in a very large translation table:
Why not? There are 64 text boxes in a scrolling layout. 32 fields are data name and the next 32 fields are data. They are used to configure my electronic module. After connecting with the module, the fields are filled with data. After changing the data, they can be sent to the module. Unfortunately, in order to make something look the way you want in AppInventor, i.e. appropriate spacing, frames around text fields (I had to remove them) you need to use layouts. In addition, the layouts can not be seen even though there can be many.
Of course this is just one side. There are several pages and there are various elements on them. Buttons, text boxes, check boxes, labels and lots of layouts to make it look right. Arranging all text boxes one below the other without descriptions, spaces, etc. would look ugly.
It looks like:
Consider using a ListView to cut-down the number of text boxes, arrangements and buttons.
in order to make something look the way you want in AppInventor
The methods are far from unique to App Inventor!
You have a complex schema here.
But a schema can be treated as data,
in a general purpose editor.
Here’s a doc on my start at building a schema-based
general purpose editor …