Error when building the app with latest update

Happy new year :),

Was there any change on server side regarding limitations?

I have a very large project with many blocks and can not build the apk file since last update.

Before this update, i had no problem to generate the apk file, althought the project was very large and it took some time to build the apk

App Inventor is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating style xml
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 0.745 seconds
________Compiling source files

(compiling /tmp/runtime3632930273790560786.scm to
Kawa compile time: 16.087 seconds
________Invoking DX
YAIL compiler - DX execution failed.


  • Browser used: Firefox, Chrome and Edge Beta
  • AIA File has 2.1 MB
  • Last APK file working was 5,9 MB
  • 10 screens (I know its a lot, but I need them all)
  • Thousands of Blocks (I know its a lot but I need them)

Before nb181b I had no problem concerning the number of blocks and screenswhen building the app (it was slow and took some time, but no error), it all happened with the new update.

I am using 3 Extensions (Tools, WIFI and Mail from Taifun) and disabled them all 3, but no change

I made some modifications in the app, but I can not even compile the working build from December (which I compiled more than 20 times…)

Can you pm me your aia file?

Not a working version because it contains company details, but i could remove them

I have to be gone in half an hour so i have still some time. I can promise not to reveal any company information. I am a registered nurse so i already have professional secrecy :wink:

Ok, how do i send a pm here? :grin:

I Just went through all checkpoints back to 2018… I can not build any version :roll_eyes:

When you click on a users name you open a profile window. Top right is the message button

Not here :neutral_face:


Strange. Sorry have to go already. Maybe someone else can have a look.

Yes, just received an upgrade mail

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Edge Beta

... you should never use Edge, it's not compatible. I'm wondering if it is possible for the use of Edge to introduce corruption of the .aia........

I made some modifications in the app, but I can not even compile the working build from December (which I compiled more than 20 times…)

That suggests there is an issue with either the Browser, or perhaps something subtle has changed on the App Inventor Build Server that has introduced an issue with larger files (though you are not the only one with large files but are the only one reporting an issue).

Currently I would recommend FireFox as being the best for App Inventor - make sure App Inventor is King of your Broadband - run only FireFox, only App Inventor and also ensure someone else in the house/office is not hogging Broadband.

Another possibility is that an Anti-Virus software is silently inspecting the App Inventor Build Process and in so doing, interrupting it.

The final concern is your insistence that your Project has to be big, with 10 screens and thousands of Blocks. I'm sorry but that is absolutely not true. For a start, using Virtual Screens, all of your 10 could be on just one Screen. If you have a huge amount of blocks, is it possible that you are not defining the code as efficiently as possible? Are you using the "Any Component" Blocks for example? Is code being duplicated because it is on more than one Screen? Are there 10 screens because you are trying to deliver an App that goes beyond the necessary? In all areas of design, from domestic appliances to space craft, KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) is very important - especially so when defining an App GUI.

Does your App use images? Have they been optimised for Android (and therefore App Inventor)? You see, there is a lot that you can do and the more efficient your App is, the better it will run and potentially have less bugs too.

Hey Chris,

thank you for the reply!!

I always use Firefox, just tested with the other Browsers to make sure that it doesnt work with any browser

I am using Bitdefender, will try to build again with BD disabled

It is a company app and some time ago I had only 3-4 screens. But those screens became so many blocks that the screen wasnt loaded (always got a timeout when switchen between the screens in my project).
For that reason I have made other screens to keep the content in each screen workable on PC

Yes, there are images which are optimised

This was my first consideration. As already said, some days ago there was no problem

One other thing of note - precisely which extensions are you using? It’s possible that they are not 100% compatible with the latest version of App Inventor.

Concerning your Blocks, it does sound as though there is an issue in terms of how the code is being defined, thus you have a Project that need not be so large.

Three extensions from Taifun:

  • WIFI
  • Mail
  • Tools

You say: Before nb181b I had no problem concerning the number of blocks and screenswhen building the app (it was slow and took some time, but no error), it all happened with the new update.

Try with an old nb180 version offline:

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Exactly, but you should also try the current offline version, which has fewer limitations (aia size, number of assets etc.) as the online version.

Dear Anke, Dear Juan,

Thank you very much!!

However when importing any backuped AIA file the blocks do not load (with OFFLINE nb180 AND OFFLINE 181b, both tested)


Hi again

Whose offline App Inventor did you test?

The implication is that your Project Files are corrupted.

Edit: Have they always been loaded into App Inventor and not in any other App Inventor offspring such as Kodular etc?

Regarding your block count,
does it increase each time you add a new
customer/business partner/supplier/product?