Error en el visor de lista

Thanks for testing the fix on the ai2-test server, and confirming the fix is working for you.

All being well, the fix will soon be migrated to the main release, then you can use the main server again.

Until then, you could try building your app on the ai2-test server (it may/may not build...), but there is no guarantee that wverything will work, it is a test server for new features and bug fixes....


I also confirm lisview works correctly in teste page, i will wait til it'll be fix in normal inventor page.
Thanks a lot.


I have the same mistake in the LV on the event AfterPicking and in the AI2 test-server is not solved on my app. The AfterPicking event has not activate after pick one element of the LV and I'm running the test in the AI2 servet-test.

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  • are you using companion on a device/emulator ?
  • are you using the companion provided by the ai2-test server ?
  • can you show your relevant blocks ?

I'm using the AI2-Companion of my mobile, but, you are right, I'm using the old version Companion not the AI2-Test Server version. With this new version the AfterPicking event is running well on the LV. I wait for the final solution of the MIT in the AI2 production server.
Thanks for all

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Buenas tardes , mi app no funciona en el test server y tampoco lo hace en AI2-Companion , pulso sobre el LV y se queda marcado pero no hace nada mas , hace un mes funcionaba perfectamente

muchas gracias por su atencion

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Try the ai2-test server and use the ai2-test server companion, a fix for the listview is enabled there


Gracias, espero que ya puedan subir la listView a la versión de producción (ai2).

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Dear ewpatton.

I wrote to know how the Listview issue has progressed on the production server?
Thank you

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We are in the process of fixing other bugs still before proceeding to do another release. Updates that involve the companion are more complicated than updates that solely address issues in the editor, so we try to batch those fixes together where components are concerned.


Hi, Dear ewpatton

I write to know if you already have a date to update the lisview issue on production server.

Greetings from Mexico

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You can check back here for latest release information


Muchas gracias ewpatton por su ayuda.
Esperemos que ya esté listo pronto y podamos retomar todo. Gracias :grin:

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Estimado ewpatton
Tenga usted buen día, quería consultar si tiene alguna novedad con respecto a la corrección de las listView. Gracias

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Dear ewpatton, it has been more than a month with the problem and it really is difficult for those of us who depend on the listView and its filters.
Let's talk about when it could already be up and running.


You can use the ai2-test server, where the listview issue is resolved.

The fixes will be released on the production server when they are all ready, you just have to be patient.


Yo tambien tengo el mismo problema, y mi aplicacion requiere una actualizacion y no puedo ponerla debido a que no funcionan los listview, y como la tengo en la play store tampoco puedo usar el ai2-test debido a que cuando la quiero subir a produccion en google play me dice que no fue echa con la misma firma ... Ya casi me quieren correr pensando que no he podido hacer nada durante mas de 1 mes

Muchas gracias, espero no tarden tanto ya que nosotros podemos ser pacientes, pero los clientes finales no ! =(

Hola , espero no importunar , no es mi intención , pero ¿ Saben si hay algún avance para la solución del problema de las listas ? Muchas gracias

See here:

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