Encontrar arquivos que foram salvos no armazenamento interno do smartphone?

Como faço para encontrar os arquivos que o aplicativo que criei salvou no meu smartphone?

Hi @Fabio_Belarmino Welcome
You can use one of available File Manager extensions.

Obrigado pela prontidão em me ajudar. Onde encontro essas extensões? Tem alguma dica sobre como posso escolher a mais adequada para mim?

@vknow360 is being very modest :wink:

There are two extensions in general use that do more or less the same thing, with a few exceptions on both parts. I suggest you try them both out to see which one suits you best:

By @Taifun :
File Extension

By @vknow360:
FileTools Extension


Which Android version?
Show your blocks.

See also here:

Obrigado a vocês pela atenção. Desculpem-me pelos equívocos.
a versão do meu Android é a 10.
Usei tanto o TinyDB quanto o File.
Mas estou com dificuldade para adicionar a imagem dos blocos.

Agora foi!

Como podem notar sou um principiante e aprecio bastante a ajuda de todos vocês.

Please change the language temporarily to English:

and post the blocks ...

Hi, Anke! Please help me. I want to find the files on my smartphone.

What files? Your blocks do not show you creating any files, or seeking to get any files....

Sorry, I'm worse than I thought. I will study more.

From what I can see there is nothing wrong with your blocks, but when you click bt_search, all it will do is replace the contents of your textboxes with the same information, you therefore will not see any difference....

TIMAI2, thanks for your attention i'm reviewing the classes and tutorials to do something that makes sense. The app I want to make at the moment is to control service orders from our technical assistance. I am now studying how I use the CloudDB component. The data has been successfully saved, but navigation between screens is still not satisfactory. Great because I have to find out where the fault is.