My project uses a tableArrangement with some buttons, see attached image. Buttons have phone number as text and photo as image. If I want to add numbers and photos I have to modify the project and recompile it. How could I add or edit directly from the application?
- use the TextBox to store numbers in a TinyDB and select them with a ListPicker or ListViewer
- use a List to select images from Media you already included in your app.
Lots of ways to do something like this, there are MANY options.
No problem for numbers, but I want add a new photo (not included)
So your question has nothing to the "direct phone call". It's about how to add phone number and image to a list..
You can use a List or Dictionary to save the data. Then use the ListView to show the phone/image, Do not use tableArrangement.
Where is the new photo? What you do depends on where the photo is coming from.
Here are some possibilities (with and without solutions ) Do a search for a topic without a suggestion.
in Media (Assets) add images when you compile your app to Media, access using Image component.
image from Internet:
CustomWebView : An extended form of Web Viewer - #41 by dora_paz -
shared from someone
1 Using Sharing component Social
2 Using CloudDb
3 using FirebaseDB How can i Download image from firebase
from device Camera possibly (Take image and save to app) camera component still asks for WRITE permission - #8 by anonwins or Take a picture and save to ASD file
from Google Drive How do I upload image to google drive then send link into the google sheet? - #2 by TIMAI2
- List item
The new photos are in the contacts, I know how get them (picker), but I don't know how to save them. The best solution would be put them in a list and save in tinydb.
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