Didn't exporting .aia

I am trying to export my project but it didn't

Welcome Atakan.

Trying to do this?


or something else?

What happens when you try to export your aia? Did you see an error message; if so post that message.

Did you overstuff your project with Media so much that its export times out?

Can you export small projects?

I always try thatbut it didnt work

I cant because my app is a shopping app and i am selling some books and all of the Media is the books cover

There are sites like tinypng.com where you can shrink your images.

If your images are so large that you can no longer load your project to delete and replace your images, you might have to start a fresh Project, copy all Designer Screens to it, copy remaining blocks, and upload fresh Media there.

Get the book cover images from a database instead.

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I have the same problem. I don't get any message. Is it because the project is too big? I have many images.
