Description: Using this extension you can create dialogs like bottom sheet and top sheet (with similar animation).Also you can specify animation style (left,right,bottom,top). Latest Version: 1.1 Released:2021-05-26T18:30:00Z Last Updated:2021-07-22T18:30:00Z
Register arrangement
id ~ int
component ~ AndroidViewComponent
gravity ~ int (48 for Top,80 for bottom and 17 for center; more values can be found here)
height ~int (-1 for fill parent and -2 for wrap content)
width ~ int (-1 for fill parent and -2 for wrap content)
dimAmount ~ float (between 0 and 1)
animationDuration ~ int (500 is suitable for all animations)
isCancelable ~ boolean (specifies whether back press can dismiss this sheet or not)
swipeEnabled ~ boolean (specifies whether user can dismiss this sheet by swiping in opposite direction of origin)
Show Sheet
Dismiss/Hide Sheet It can be shown again
Remove Sheet Needs to be registered again
IsShowing Checks whether given sheet is showing or not
I, vknow360 aka Sunny Gupta, attest that I am the author of the CustomSheet extension , grant that the extension included in this project is free and that MIT has a non-exclusive irrevocable license to republish the extension as part of the project file for the purposes of the MIT App Inventor Appathon 2021.
Is it possible to provide the registered arrangement as a component (another method block with the id), so it would be possible, for example, to add rounded corners to the arrangement?
[EDIT] It is worth noting if you use @vknow360 's cornerRadius extension, you should ensure that the Designer Background Color is set to Default, for the rounded corners to work.
Hi!! great extension...I managed to create my own side menu. I can use to decorate the shape the Decoration extension from @Omer_Gundogar(here). Just use the decoration block before the Register block from CustomSheet.
I was struggling with the correct sizing of the containing arrangement with this extension. It is hinted above that the width and height set in the extension block is in dp, and not pixels.
After a little bit of investigation and trial and error, I found what was required to set the containing arrangement to the values of pixels provided.
If we get the screen density (you could use my simple extension for this), square it, then multiply it by the desired pixels, we get that size back (the desired pixel size), in the custom sheet dialog. You can extend these blocks to get the pixel values of percentage sizing at runtime.