Paid:comment,like system

There is any paid comment, like system like youtube project file is available

Did you want something like this?


Yes iwant this model

I have already told you on how to make it a comment option! You need to do some work to make it work. Why would you want to pay when you can spend 30 minutes doing it for free, from a tutorial? Where are these comments going to go? Obsidian soft made a great tutorial but you still want to skip the work and pay for it. :man_facepalming:

I did not see the tutorial in obsidian soft channel
Please send that tutorial video or project file

Anyone please reply

Here is the aia project used as shown in the video. You will need to use an existing or new firebase realtime database in a project on your firebase account. This will not work with the AI2 provided Firebase.

TopicsLikesCommentsFB_blank.aia (194.7 KB)

Credits to:
@White_Tiger for the RecyclerList extension
@vknow360 for the CustomSheet extension
@TIMAI2 (me) for the Density extension.