Customize the checkbox mark

Is there a possible way to change the checkbox sign?
As in this picture


you can use 3 images(or button), when image is clicked, change the image's picture.

Thanks for your suggestion but I'm looking for a solution that works with checkbox

no way, at least for build in checkbox.

Use Buttons with background images, with the check marks on the left side of the image and white space on the right, behind the button text.

There are Unicode check boxes too, you can put before your button text:

:ballot_box_with_check: Correct!

☐ Undecided

Maybe this can help you:

It only has two styles: Check, Cross.

@Joejsanz it may help if you actually provide a link to that extension ?

Also search HERE for other checkbox extensions

I think he created the extension

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It would be helpful if you share this extension

I did it, I'll uploaded it now to here

your extension work only with VA and HA!

Yes, it doesn't work with the checkbox integrated in App Inventor