CheckboxU - Create Customizable Checkboxes.

Create customizable checkboxes.

Configure the size, border color, fill color, and verification style of the checkboxes. Additionally, it includes an event that is fired when the checkbox changes state.

New features added


  • parent: 'AndroidViewComponent' - Parent component in which the checkbox will be added.
  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier for the checkbox.
  • size: 'int' - Size of the checkbox.
  • checkedColorHex: 'String' - Color in hexadecimal for the checked state.
  • borderWidth: 'int' - Width of the checkbox border.
  • borderColorHex: 'String' - Hexadecimal color for the border.
  • verificationStyle: 'String' - Verification style (e.g., "Check", "Cross", "Circle", "Rounded", "Triangle", "Rectangle", "Star", "HorizontalLine").
  • text: ''String' - Text associated with the checkbox.
  • textColorHex: 'String' - Hexadecimal color for the text.
  • textSize: 'int' - Text size.

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • visible: 'boolean' - Visibility of the checkbox (true for visible, false for hidden).


  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • newText: 'String' - New text for the checkbox.

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • newColorHex: 'String' - New color in hexadecimal for the checkbox text.

component_method (2)

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.

component_method (4)

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • checked: 'boolean' - State of the checkbox (true for checked, false for unchecked).

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • textSize: 'int' - Checkbox text size.
  • textStyle: 'int' - Style of the text (e.g., Typeface.NORMAL, Typeface.BOLD, etc.). (1 = NORMAL, 2 = BOLD, 3 = ITALIC).

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • iconName: 'String' - Name of the icon resource.

component_method (3)

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • size: 'int' - Size of the checkbox.

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • verificationStyle: 'String' - Verification style (e.g., "Check", "Cross", "Circle", etc.).


component_event (2)

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.
  • isChecked: 'boolean' - State of the checkbox (true for checked, false for unchecked).

component_event (3)

  • id: 'int' - Unique identifier of the checkbox.


Extension: Versión 2
CheckboxU.aix (14.5 KB)



What type of component is the "parent" ?

I used HorizontalArrangement, I have not tested it with any other component, I will do more tests later

Updated extension