Hello Everyone,
I have upload my project in Google Play Console and they rejected and they post this image
which is just a listpicker to select items
Issue with your app
Your app contains content that doesn’t comply with the News policy. Apps that declare themselves as "News" in the Google Play console must meet the News policy requirements. Specifically, it appears that your app:
Contains only static content
Issue details
We found an issue in the following area(s):
In-app experience : Please see attached screenshot appinventor.ai_ghanemoh0.ALQURAN-InAppExperience-51.png
We have already covered this one in another topic. Your app is not a News app. You therefore need to get it registered as a book/reference app. You said that you did this and that Google changed it to News. If that is the case, send them an email to get it resolved.
I have created app using WebViewer, but app is rejected by Google Play Store. I also checked the status registered as a book/reference app.
They sent me an email saying that my app is consedered as a news app while it is just a book with audio.
What could be the reason for the rejection? Any suggestion or pointers that can help in getting the app approved in App Store will be highly appreciated.