Conflict between dictionary Values block and TinyDB GetEntries result

The TinyDB GetEntries block is not returning a proper dictionary of keys/values to match what you would build from TinyDB tags/values.

Here is a sample app with a test procedure for this:
ROSCA_METRICA3_Screen_pontoDeControle3_Screen_pontoDeControle4_Screen_pontoDeControle2.aia (36.0 KB)

It needs this test data loaded to TinyDB:

Use the Save Button to save a row for an m5 bolt, then search TinyDB for bolts whose min and max diameters include the test value of 4.90

This is a result of corruption of list values returned fron the dictionary values block applied to TinyDB1.GetEntries:

The test procedure:

A workaround was found in this thread:

Can confirm.

I had a similar issue with "Entries" not responding to dictionary blocks as expected.

In the end I treated "Entries" as a string, and used text manipulation blocks to get at the string(list) I was after, and converted it back to an AI2 list.

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returns an invalid list structure:




seems to fix it.

needed, even though we have this:


The problem is with recognizing the list when it is a value.

Yes, the return value from GetEntries is a valid dictionary, you can get values ​​and keys from it correctly. But when any value is a list or dictionary then those values ​​are returned as string and the list is not recognized as a list.

Thank you for putting into words what I demonstrated with blocks :slight_smile:

(added to FAQ)