Compare value and display result, and create PDF


set clock interval to 100 in designer mode

But your aia no whee related with this topic

:thinking: :thinking:

What i have to do for this argument?

you are trying to equalise boolean in maths blocks

both statement will return either true or false

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thankyou !!

than what should i do now? :confused:

why dont use first rule alone, becuase there itself everyting were set up..

It must be gretaer than 0.0 but less than 0.5

thats for reference value alone....i need to compare it with user's input

The operation > cannot accept the arguments: , ["0.0 - 0.5"], [0]

this is the error im getting continuosly

i hope now it is clear to you

you can change the input type to number in designer.. if so first logic can be deleted

you can change this logic too

here value will accepted from 0.0 to 0.5 if you want to exclude mean dirstly use < or >

If i done like this am getting 'OK' as result for all the values am entering

eventough im not getting the result ....

But... Why are you using or logical condition?? You want between the value only know, if so you should use and

then what should i do

Pls try with and logical block and try as shown in the previous reply Compare value and display result - #50 by Spicy_Topics sample also provided along with result

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Thankyou so much.....i got the results.

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Is there any possibilites to save these datas and share to someone as pdf or text file or excel file

You can use @Juan_Antonio kio4 layout to pdf extension

Once file printed , share it via whats app or something else

im not having create pdf block in the list

Could I copy file from asset and create pdf ?