Como saber as respostas da caixa de texto?

Sou professor e estou tentando fazer questionários, mas não sei as respostas dos meus alunos, e nem sei se é possível mas tem como eu visualizar as respostas deles? Alguém me ajude, ficarei agradecido!
OBS: Quero dizer o que eles colocam na caixa de texto.


You possibly could use a chat app using a CloudDB or FirebaseDB.

What have you tried and how do you believe this app would work?

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A ideia seria mais ou menos, eles responderam sem que precise que eu esteja online.
Assim posso passar como dever de casa

The teacher and the student would both need the chat app. Either could enter questions/answers while the other is offline but the message will still be there when the other person activates his/her copy of the app.

Here are two ideas. Neither is exactly what you want to do.

You could adapt either of these to your purposes. Experiment. :slight_smile:

There isn't any Como saber as respostas da caixa de texto, the teacher asks questions and the student responds to the question as typed by the teacher perhaps.

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