Combine 2 pictures

hi, I'm making a game where are skins. I wanted to customize skin, for example, there is a hat and you can add it to every skin. And my question is: is there any extension (I can't find) to combine 2 pictures, like skin and a hat? Or is there any other way to do this.

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I think there is a sticker view extension by Atom.
Search in extension directory.

it is, but its paid

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Perhaps this ?

I understand that both pictures to be combined will be the same size. The hat will have a transparent background and will be positioned in the correct place.


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cool, but which transform value do you prefer? dst_atop?

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You probably want to start with source/destination over.

ok, but which transform value do you prefer

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I like them all :wink:

Make yourself a test app and try out all transformation methods. Then choose the one that's right for you.


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Do you want something like this?


If you do not want the "hat" to be permanent, you could look at placing the background image in an arrangement, with a button inside that has the "smaller" foreground image.....