A little routine to colourise text letter by letter in a label
[Edit Colours List]
there may be more that work...
A little routine to colourise text letter by letter in a label
[Edit Colours List]
there may be more that work...
(added to FAQ)
Could we see the rest of that colours list?
Or an .aia file?
added to OP
Nice one Tim. It's the more exotic colours that don't work like DarkViolet, MediumOrchid etc. A pity too that you can't just input hex values.
This should work with both hex and rgb.
That is the code used in Tim's example. It is limited to a subset HTML that Android 'knows'. Not only that, it is limited to HTML4 (a 'good' thing in this case since HTML 5 does not support in-line colour via HTML but via CSS).
For better flexibility, a web component can be used - then the world is your oyster, but it requires a bit more code to build and a degree in nuclear physics to read-write.